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Chamsi Charlesia is a French actor who received solid training at Blanche Salant and Pygmalion.
Acoca Actor's Laboratory and during a workshop with Damien Acoca, before perfecting his skills in the Meisner method under the tutelage of Pico Berkowitch.
With a wealth of experience acquired on sets such as BANLIEU 13 by Pierre Morel, LA GRAVITÉ by Cédric Ido, MALGRÉ LA NUIT by Phillipe Grandrieux, EN PAYS CANNIBALE by Alexandre Villeret, LES SABRES by Cédric Ido, HEURT by Sophie Guillemin, SANS ISSUE by Ymanol PERSET, VIOLENCE SUR FONDEURS by Pierre Henninquant and L'ESSENTIEL FEMININ by Sophie Guillemin, he seeks out challenging roles for film and theatre.
His talent is also expressed in music videos such as HOUDINI by the singer KAARIS and The Orphan's Wisdom by Cilian Tobin-M'b.

Country of residence: France and available internationally