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Yassmine Othman is an actress and comes from a multicultural family of artists, Spanish-Turkish-Moroccan and French Portuguese.
Yassmine is one of the four 50+ polyglot actresses in Spain and the only 50+ Dariyah speaking actress with experience in the film industry, television, theater, advertising, dubbing. She is known for her participation in the films Tomorrow We'll Be Dead dir. Michael Steiner, Sunburned dir. Carolina Hellsgård, Súper López dir. Javier Ruiz Caldera, short films Éramos Felices (y no lo sabíamos) dir. María Vanacloig, Rizoma dir. Marina Reig, Liberación dir. Rubén Valero, Yassmine Othman, Ya Es Tarde dir. Pedro Moraelche, Un Trabajo Sencillo dir. Fernando Verniere, The Future Awaits dir. Roberto Pérez Toledo, The Cake dir. Andrés Eguiguren, Memories dir. Jose Vega and in TV series such as La Unidad, 2nd season dir. Dani de la Torre, En El Corredor De La Muerte dir. Carlos Marqués-Marcet, Gigantes dir. Enrique Urbizu, Estoy Vivo dir. Luis Oliveros, Idol X Warrior: Miracle Tunes! dir. José Jamardo, Mi Casa Es Tu Casa dir. Nadia Sellami, Centro Médico dir. Ismael Morillo, among others. One of her latest works has been to give life to the funny character of Gisele Fischer in the feature film road movie comedy Small Town Funk Girls shot in Berlin last August 2022 and directed by the Berlin director Philipp Müller-Dorn known for his film Emanzipation currently on Amazon Prime.
The Premiere of Small Town Funk Girls will take place during 2024 in Berlin. Awarded BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS ON TV 2022 by the Spanish Actors Union for her role Naima Ibrahim in the series La Unidad season 2.